sobota 29. října 2011

Chobots is Back up

Chobots is back :D

Chobots Doesnt Works

Hello , Today if somebody went playing Chobots. Well it loaded right but it didnt continued ,

Might there is Maintrance Or Some Updates , Nobody Knows.

Please Be Patient. Chobots Team is getting up it back :)


pátek 28. října 2011


Hello , I just wanted to tell you . That the contest closes at 19:00 , You have today-Tommorow time to send picture of your Spooky Chobot and win tokens

středa 26. října 2011

Halloween Costumes Contest

Hello , I was thinking if we could do contest , Rewards will be too :D

Lets do Halloween Costume Contests , The best Costume = The high chance for winning

Example :

Please dont copy this Style , You can be vampire just not like me

Send Mail to and i check your costumes and decide

Good luck


New items

Hello , Happy Halloween everybody :D. :o whats there a witch camed to us with some rewards :D

Cool he looks like mage witch , Lets see what he sells

Cool , New Flag New Background New mask And new backpack
I like the Vampire mask , What do you like, Just comment and lets see :D

Happy Halloween Mwahaha



Welcome to my Choblog , I will make posts everyday (if im gone then no)
So people would know Secrets,News,Updates,Maintrance,Parties,Events,And more

We would really thank to Owners that they maded chobots Alive, Actually Not 100% Chobots but 1000% Better chobots :D
